
Take That Limited and Viking-Lotto.net are in no way affiliated with, associated with or approved or endorsed by the official operators of Vikinglotto.

The information presented on Viking-Lotto.net is solely for the use of players and prospective players of Vikinglotto and other European lottery games. These are informational pages only and are not intended to encourage participation in Vikinglotto or any other lottery. The information on this website does not constitute an invitation or offer on Viking-Lotto.net’s part for any person to take part in any lottery.

Viking-Lotto.net is provided to you free of charge and every effort is made to ensure the information, news and lottery results contained on the site are accurate. However, you should not assume that Viking-Lotto.net is error-free or that it will be suitable for the particular purpose for which you are using it. Please seek specialised, professional advice where required. Lottery results posted on our pages should not be taken as certain, as errors are possible, and all winning and losing lottery tickets must be double-checked.

Links contained within the Viking-Lotto.net website are for your convenience only and do not mean that Viking-Lotto.net endorses or approves any other sites, their content or the organisations who run them.