Lithuania Teleloto
Teleloto is an exciting game which is played in Lithuania every Sunday night. Players can win a wide range of prizes, including holidays, cars and cash. It takes the format of a bingo game and is played over several rounds, with prizes increasing in value as the game progresses.
Latest Result
- 1
- 3
- 4
- 7
- 9
- 13
- 15
- 16
- 19
- 20
- 21
- 22
- 23
- 27
- 30
- 36
- 40
- 41
- 43
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- 47
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- 54
- 55
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- 59
- 60
- 61
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- 64
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- 70
- 71
- 10
- 14
- 24
- 35
- 38
- 42
- 51
- 62
- 66
- 72
- 75
How to Play
To play Teleloto, buy a ticket online or from an authorised retailer. You will be presented with a ticket displaying 25 numbers from 1 to 75 in a 5 x 5 grid, with each column labelled M, J, R, G or Z. The numbers 1-15 are in the first column, 16-30 in the second column, 31-45 in the third column, 46-60 in the fourth column and 61-75 in the fifth column.
The cost of Teleloto is €1 per game. The cut-off time for ticket sales is 23:40 EET (22:40 CET) on a Saturday. Tickets can be bought on Sundays, but only for the game the following week.
The game takes place at 17:20 EET (16:20 CET) on a Sunday and is shown on the LNK television channel. Winning numbers are drawn at random, and prizes are given away to those players who match numbers quickly enough to form specific patterns on their grid.
The first stage of the game sees 38 numbers selected at random. You win a prize if you match the four numbers in each corner of your grid, or five numbers in a straight line. You also win a prize if you have matched the nine numbers on your grid which are needed to form a diagonal cross.
The next stage of the game sees nine more numbers drawn. If anyone can match all 25 numbers on their grid within the first 47 drawn, they win the ‘Golden Pot’. If nobody wins the Golden Pot, numbers continue being drawn until at least one player fills up all their squares.
The prize fund is 50% of the money raised from ticket sales, but the prizes vary from week to week depending on the number of winners and participants.
All prizes are rounded to the nearest €0.50. There is also a minimum prize of €1.
As well as the main prizes, there are a pre-determined number of additional awards in every Teleloto draw. Over the course of the 2018 summer, for example, the Lithuanian National Lottery pledged to give away 30 cars (10 x Audi Q2, 10 x Nissan Qashqai and 10 x Peugeot 5008), as well as 3,000 other gifts including outdoor chairs, bicycles and televisions, plus regular cash sums.
Interesting Fact
As well as the additional prizes, 40 Teleloto players each week are randomly selected to receive invitations to the following Sunday’s TV show. The players must then contact the lottery by phone to register.
Teleloto has given away more than 4,000 cars, from more than 30 different manufacturers. Volkswagen and Nissan cars have been offered more than any other brands.
A family from Vilnius won 3 million Lt (approximately €870,000) in a special millennium draw on 31st December 1999.